As Father Jose continued his priestly ministry and mission, he received the inspiration from above that a Missionary Society of priests (Heralds of Good News) alone would not adequately meet the felt needs of the time in the universal Church. He realized that there is a tremendous need for the women religious. Being fully aware of the increasing shortage of vocation to women to religious life especially in the Western countries, Father Jose Kaimlett started a missionary Society for women in the year 1992 in the diocese of Eluru with the approval and blessings of Most Rev. Dr John Mulagada, Bishop of Eluru.
Sisters of Good News is a Missionary Society of Apostolic Life leading community life, taking the promise of evangelical Counsels of poverty, chastity and obedience to respond effectively to the needs of the time. According to the Constitutions of Sisters of Good News, Art. 4, the object of the Society is to work for the glory of God by the evangelization of the people and by the sanctification of its members following the rules and regulations of the Society.
The first house at Vegavaram, presently used as the Novitiate House was blessed on 29th June 1993, by the Bishops of Eluru and Khammam. The first group of candidates made their first profession in the Society on 1st February 1995. From 1996 to 1999 Rev. Father Mathew Kaimlett was the Director of the Sisters of Good News. He was succeeded by Rev. Fr Thomas Ettackakunnel from 1999 to 2006. In the year 2007 Rev. Fr Celestine Kalluvettamkuzhiyil was appointed as the Director of the Society.
In May 1998, late Bishop Most Rev. Dr John Mulagada delegated our founder Father Jose Kaimlett and Father Jose presided over the First General Chapter of the Society. Over the years our society has made rapid progress both in the number of sisters and their activities. At present we have 16 communities serving in seven dioceses in India, 7 communities serving in 5 dioceses in Italy and another community in Tanzania, serving in the diocese of Mahenge. Through the guidance and direction of Father Jose we are also serving the poorest of the poor, marginalized and other sections of the society by imparting value based education to people. Presently we have 10 such schools mostly caring to the up-liftment and moral upbringing of the hundreds of village in the remotest areas.
Date of Foundation – 29 June 1992
Number of Houses – 13
Houses of Formation – 05
Schools – 10
Hostels – 08
Social Service Centre – 01
Diocesces where render service
India – 09
Ouside India – 06
Finally Professed – 77
Temporally Professed – 43
Article 5 of the Constitution of the Sisters of Good News speaks about the specific purpose of the society, i.e., “to train dedicated, hard working and saintly sisters and send them wherever there is need.” Imbibing the spirit of the constitution for the training and formation of candidates the Society runs 5 formation centers, and there are 88 candidates in the different stages of formation. For the ongoing formation of the sisters, the sisters are sent to different places for the training and upgrading of knowledge. Many sisters are in the educational field and there are a few nurses also working as sisters in the healthcare programme of the society too.
9th May 2001 is one of the most memorable days and is written in golden letters in the annals of the history of Sisters of Good News. It was on this day that together with the inauguration and blessing of the Generalate, 42 sisters made their perpetual commitment, Sister Anne and the councilors elected the previous year were retained as the Mother General and the councilors, till their term would end. In April 2006, late Bishop John Mulagada delegated Rev. Father Jose to preside over the General Chapter of the Society and under the guidance of our Founder the second General Chapter of the Society took place at the Generalate of the Sisters of Good News, Thangellamudi, Rev. Sister Josephina was elected as the Mother General and Sister Johncia, Sister Anne, Sister Rosaline and Sister Lilly were elected as the councilors.
@2021 | Missionaries of Compassion |