Every moment you are awakened to plenty of insights. Are you ready to grab those insights? If you are able to harness those it is yours. Let me assure you the content of this books would take you to a deeper leve of understanding of life as you read and meditate. let the insights reverberate in each cell of your body and your being. May you be filled with facinating insights and inspiring people around to lead a happy and peaceful life.
The present volume published by MC Voice and Creations is a small collection of stories that can have the transforming effect on you.
The vast majority of narratives in this second volume of ‘Tonic for the Spirit’, are the productions of profound genuineness who possessed a very fertile imagination, the best of all human faculties – the ultimate source of every invention.
The present volume edited by Fr. Jobin is an ideal present for a person of any age, religion or state of life, who sincerely searches for genuine happiness and contentment amidst the hustle and bustle of the modern day living. It is a handy help for preachers, teachers and leaders who have the mission of inspiring others.
@2021 | Missionaries of Compassion |