Founder: Rev. Dr. Jose Kaimlett
Principal Patrons: Mary Queen of Apostles and St. Joseph the Worker.
Motto: “Do as I have done” (John 13,15)
Foundation: 24 May 2003
(Feast of Mary Help of Christians)
Total Priest members: 106
Missionaries of Compassion is a religious institute founded in India on 24th May 2003 – the feast of Mary Help of Christians.
The specific scope of the institute is the work of compassion and charity – bringing solace and comfort to the destitute orphans, to the abandoned elderly and persons who are affected with terminal diseases and the houseless.
One of the discourses towards the end of the earthly life of Our Lord was centred on the ‘Final Judgement’. The unique criterion for this judgement, which determines the destiny of human beings, is based on how each one has treated Christ in the poor, the hungry, the sick, the homeless, and the suffering – the less fortunate in the society. Christ demonstrates the importance of the virtue of compassion in the life and ministry of every Christian. The Missionaries of Compassion try to put into practice the teaching of the Divine Master through their life and ministry.
Missionaries of Compassion (MC) ministers to spiritually renew impoverished people throughout, especially in the Southern and the North East parts of India and in Tanzania. Founded in 2003 as a Religious Institute in the Archdiocese of Hyderabd, our goals are to improve the health, economic, social and spiritual conditions of the men, women and children we serve.
Our ministry reflects God’s unconditional love, which surrenders all, inspires trust and faith, and embraces all people regardless of, culture, race, status or creed. Our greatest mission is to serve Christ by being of assistance to those in greatest need (Matthew 25: 31-46). The poor in spirit are renewed by their relationship with and service to the poor through our direct ministry of teaching, encouragement and prayer. Ultimately, we seek to bring both benefactors and recipients to a closer union with our Lord.
At present we have 106 priest members and over 100 seminarians. Missionaries of Compassion are presently serving in different dioceses in India. We have four communities in Tanzania where together with pastoral assistance, a lot of developmental activities are carried out. Our members serve also in a diocese in South Africa, three dioceses in Italy, three in the USA, and in a diocese in Australia. We have also several lay members who are involved in the mission of compassion. The collaboration of these lay members make the radiant power of the Gospel shine forth brightly even in the darkest situations of human life especially through carrying out the urgent task of alleviating the suffering in a society in which a lot of elderly are abandoned, a large number of children and widows are found engaged in the streets either in begging or in selling their own ‘human dignity’ to earn a meal per day and where very many ‘persons’ experience seclusion because of diseases like leprosy, AIDS and the like.
@2021 | Missionaries of Compassion |